Friday, November 23, 2012

Corporate Culture and Successful Management

Guest Post By


Jannet Sparts For Random Thoughts

The corporate culture in the company is closely connected with its management. In other words, corporate culture is the atmosphere inside the company that is created by employees, managers and their attitude towards each other and towards the work they perform together.
The right strategy and managers’ skills and knowledge are the main factors for creating a successful and productive environment. A good manager encourages other employees to be confident in their own powers and in company's goals.
There are many things that can influence your company’s corporate culture and your success as a manager. I’d like to specify only the most important ones.
  • Managing through involvement. Employees should be aware of the company’s goals in order to know where they are going. Managers should listen to their employees – all voices and ideas should be counted and considered especially if these ideas contribute to the company’s mission. Having the feeling of involvement in the company’s management and work makes employees work more effectively and harder for the benefit of the company. Managers should involve their staff in the decision making process as well.
  • Employees first. What makes a company? First of all, people. These are the resources that should be valued most of all. You have to create a healthy and pleasant atmosphere inside the company which will immediately be reflected in the corporate culture. Employees, who are treated like slaves or looked down on, whose needs are neglected, lose interest in their work and consider their work as ‘compulsory service’. Nothing good, I guess. Managers should take care of their employees and make as much as possible to make their work in the company pleasant, happy and rewarding.  
  • Creating a dedicated team. The success of any company doesn’t depend solely on the manager or the name of the company. It is hard work of the entire team. If you fail to be one team, you are not likely to succeed. The main task of a manager is creating a dedicated team where all members are involved in taking decisions and are treated as valuables.  
  • Regular communication. When I speak about communication, I don’t mean various task tracking tools like JIRA or Comindware tracker, although they are also important, but I mean face-to-face communication with employees at meetings. Don’t leave people overboard – inform them about all the company’s news and results, no matter whether they are good or bad. If your employees see that you trust them, they will work more efficiently, even if the company has some problems. Having regular corporate parties where employees can get to know each other better in an informal environment is another good idea which will only contribute to the corporate culture.
  • Managing through your own example. Be an example for your employees. If you demand punctuality from them, be punctual yourself. Love what you do, and your employees will see it and it will encourage them better than any words. If you advocate effective time management, be effective yourself in managing your own time. If you want your team members to improve their skills, keep track of the latest news yourself and share this information with them.
  • Share profits. Treat your employees as partners. If possible, introduce a result-based scheme of payment. It will motivate employees to work harder. Good competition will only benefit for the general atmosphere in the company. Give bonuses to those who have reached better results; call their names at meetings (all people are a bit vain!).
I’m sure these tips of creating effective corporate culture and successful management can be useful for many people. For many years we have been told that people are not important, they can be easily replaced by others. But, in fact, any substitution means a short regression since a person needs some time to become (or not to become) a member of the team. In our modern fast life, time is money. So, don’t waste your time on firing and hiring new employees – concentrate on keeping and encouraging the old ones.
Author Byline
Hi, my name’s Jannet Sparts and I’m working as an editor of Online Issues. I write for several blogs sharing my experience and observations. I have worked as a project manager in several companies. So I have tried different PM tools, collaboration programs, including task tracking software solutions. For the moment PM software is my primary field of interest.