Even though there are only 24 hours in a day and you will never be able to
do every single one of your tasks no matter how hard you try, knowing some time
management tips can really help if you want to learn how to use your time more
efficiently. In the article we will talk about small time management secrets
that will help you become more active and productive.
The first thing we are going to talk about is the importance of planning
and prioritizing your tasks. Make a habit of planning tasks for the day
beforehand and mark those that really are important. Don’t get distracted by
the tasks that are easier, because in the end of the week you are going to have
a bunch of important stuff that needs to be done no matter what and you are
likely to spend your weekend trying desperately to complete them in time
instead of having much needed with your family.
Benefit from time you have to spend waiting in line for an appointment or
waiting for a client who is running late. Technologies have made it so much
easier for us to work at any place any time, so instead of getting irritated
over the time you have to sit and just wait you can go through reports, read
something or make a plan for the next couple of days.
If you really want to become more productive you have
to try to find out where you are wasting your time. For someone social media
networks are like time sucking black holes, for others – long chats on the
phone, and someone can’t imagine their evenings without an episode of a
favorite series. Just pinpoint what exactly slows you down and try to move
these activities to your weekends.
If it’s an option, always try to work in the least
distracting location where you won’t be dragged into chitchats or gossips.
Don’t check your email more often than once in a couple of hours, don’t check
your Facebook or Twitter profiles and you’ll see that work is going so much
For those who have a problem with getting started (and
a lot of people do have this problem) there is one simple but effective trick –
start your task and keep going for 20 minutes. Soon you’ll see that without
“taking breaks” you can manage more tasks in a day.
While at work make sure you use every single
opportunity to make your job as easy as possible. Use workflow management software for automating office processes and creating
workflows without having to wait for the help from IT department. For managing
and tracking your personal tasks and activities of your team you can use task management software that will help quickly create and assign tasks and
control their execution without having to make phone calls or call in staff
Keeping to a plan for a day and applying time
management tips to real life can be complicated at first, but if you follow this
routine you are going to notice that you have started working more efficiently
and have become more organized.